1、passive restraint

2、submarine electromagnetic passive intercept

3、passive correlation and ranging

4、That's the passive visualization.

5、passive aggressive personality disorder

6、passive ranging Doppler

7、passive-active detection and location

8、Rifted (extensional, passive) continental margins

9、controllable passive tank stabilization system

10、I take a passive attitude.

11、passive satellite attitude control system

12、Unable to use FTP passive mode

13、Approaches to Passive Meanings in Impassive Voice;

14、Non-consuming activities are active, not passive.

15、Combination microwave and passive infrared intrusion detector

16、ZVZCS converter with passive clamp network

17、The core of passive location system is the passive locating method.

18、Become a picture director, not just a passive picture-taker.

19、No mechanical devices are used in passive heating systems.

20、My father's expression was passive and hard to read.

21、I've had more feedback in a passive approach.

22、The joints of control bypass contactor passive relay output points;

23、Reversal thoughts includes litotoes, the alteration of active and passive structure, of verbs active and passive meaning , and of verbs objects.

24、Study on passive TDOA-FDOA localization system is very important to develop the national passive detection technology and improve the military ability of EW and early warning detection.

25、For passive tracking, by use of the range measurement from the active sensor, passive tracking is modelled similiar to the active one.

26、A novel sampling technique, passive sampling, is given. The principle and structure of passive sampler, the application at present and the trends of PS are reviewed.

27、Alternatively passive motion sensors, also known as PIR (passive infrared) sensors are typically used on security lights which detect the heat of a human body.

28、The Inverted High Priestess is active in events where she should be more passive.

29、It can also be used for passive lossless snubber in PFC.

30、At the same time, the LLL night vision device has also other active and passive interferences.