1、The chickens tease him.

2、We tease our friends.

3、I'm learning to tease wool.

4、Mary: Please, don't tease me.

5、tease tissue for microscopic examinations.

6、What a tease she is!

7、Mamma, do not tease me.

8、Oh I love to tease you, baby.

9、They began to tease and bully him.

10、She tirelessly tease her colorful scarf.

11、I'm sorry, it was only a tease.

12、They tease him; the bubble bursts!

13、to tease the bride | to tease the bride on wedding night

14、The wind were swooping down to tease the waves .

15、Don't provoke or tease the animals in the cage.

16、She likes to tease men with her charm .

17、Let the poor dog be.(Don't tease it)

18、When I tease a kitten, I always tease it with something white in my hand, because it likes to follow it strangely.

19、All your tease of poor Michael is gotten beyond a joke.

20、Uncle Sebastian used to tease Mother and Daddy unmercifully that all they could produce was girls.

21、"Do not tease me; else I shall put thee into the dark closet!"

22、Lieberman thinks yes, though the proof is tough to tease out.

23、Be careful, that girl is a real tease, she's the town heart-breaker.

24、"Now Xiren had only been shamming sleep, in the hope that Baoyu would come in to tease her. "

25、The wind began to tease the grass on the hillside. The trees were swaying and the umbrellas were bulging.

26、It is really important to understand and try and tease out what is the human connection with fire today.

27、Kuei Chang-lin and Pockmarked Li were amused and began making faces at Ah Chen to tease her.

28、Scarlett wanted to respect and adore her mother like an idol and to rumple her hair and tease her too.

29、Marguerite went on with a smile. ' It wasn't that you were ridiculous, but I who was a tease. As I still am rather, though less so nowadays.