1、passive restraint

2、Creativity loves restraint.

3、Install head restraint.

4、But critics urge restraint.

5、put a patient under restraint

6、rearward-facing child restraint device

7、Lack of discipline or restraint.

8、free from confinement or physical restraint.

9、He exercised uncharacteristic restraint on these topics.

10、There is still need for profit restraint.

11、I no longer felt the inner restraint.

12、Lacking conventional moral restraint in sexual behavior.

13、The effects of axial restraint, rotational restraint and load ratio of the beam are discussed.

14、Life is full of sorrow, restraint and restraint. Don't waste time, don't miss the treasure.

15、He has, in effect, advised patience and self-restraint.

16、Meanwhile, the Israeli side has also shown restraint.

17、The G20 summit produced flimsy promises of restraint.

18、Too trenchant in style; to fail to show restraint

19、It annoys me to be a restraint on anyone's liberty.

20、Propaganda of good faith depends not only on the restraint of moral norms, but also on the restraint of law.

21、Mr Bush has suddenly and conveniently adopted the language of fiscal restraint.

22、Dr. Kissinger can bear witness that we have exerted extreme restraint since July of last year.

23、Yet freedom from restraint simply put it at the mercy of an unsympathetic breeze.

24、Children must use an approved child restraint or adult seat belt.

25、A Probe into the Quality of Moral Criteria: External restraint and Internal Display;

26、The fruit trees near the stream grow tall and lush, without restraint or restraint. It is a fertile soil with sufficient foundation and moisture to provide people with abundant fruits.

27、Ren He could not feel any hostility, and the penalty system was more like a restraint, but he could not use the cultural achievements of the parallel world without restraint.

28、The sincerity and nakedness of the heart are the comfort of the primitive human nature, and the restraint and restraint of the heart are the comfort of the modern agent.

29、The financial restraint in rural areas is one of the bottlenecked factors in current new rural construction.

30、The restraint of these sensitive modes calls for the increase of the damping of circular saw plate structure.