1、freshly painted lawn furniture.

2、Poets interpret the commonplace freshly.

3、I love freshly squeezed juice.


5、A freshly premiered and awarded Pusan film!

6、The airport hangar was freshly painted.

7、Airborne spores infect freshly exposed wood.

8、the aromatic relish of freshly Brewed coffee;

9、She always smelled fresh, freshly washed or of fresh laundry or fresh sweat or freshly loved.

10、freshly molted crab with new shell still tender and flexible.

11、All freshly submitted transactions should again work normally.

12、Deli offers freshly-baked breads, cakes, and pies.

13、To freeze a freshly baked pie, cool to room temperature.

14、I love the delightful odour of freshly roasted coffee beans.

15、Freshly-made fish: In the south, the fishes are mostly freshly-made to keep the deliciousness of them.

16、The apparent association of the disease with the feeding of freshly chopped corn and freshly chopped alfalfa reduces the utility of those feeds.

17、Freshly baked bread topped the list of Britain's favorite smells, said a survey of 4000 Britons, followed by clean sheets and freshly mowed grass, the Daily Telegraph reported.

18、Turning into Dorset street he said freshly in greeting throughthe doorway:

19、A freshly cooked Turkey with potatoes, corn, carrots, peas, now that's a quality meal my friends.

20、I leave behind two trees: one with silver grey hair, the other still freshly green.

21、The average basic salary of those schools' freshly-minted MBAs was $81,178 a year.

22、This zesty and refreshing wine offers a freshly cut grass nose, herbaceous green bean.

23、They have meetings up there, it has Wi-Fi, they can help themselves to freshly grown vegetables.

24、This was a kitchen device that could turn raisins back into grapes and stale pizza into a freshly delivered snack.

25、British police officer contacted UFO experts after seeing three aliens examining a freshly made crop circle near Avebury, Wiltshire.

26、Cut sweet potatoes into 1-inch thick slices and toss with olive oil, Cajun seasoning and freshly ground pepper.

27、The water in the pool is as clear as a transparent freshly cleaned emerald, and it can touch the cold touch with only one hand.

28、If you're invited to a yuppie dinner party, don't be surprised if you're offered freshly-cooked insects as a first course.

29、Sometimes a great turkey can really hit the spot. A freshly cooked Turkey with potatoes, corn, carrots, peas, now that's a quality meal my friends.