1、Will payroll calculate correctly?

2、payroll per capita

3、liability for payroll taxes

4、master payroll data file

5、summary of factory payroll taxes

6、Internal applications such as payroll.

7、Mapping payrolladmin to payroll access role.

8、information system of personnel and payroll

9、Madrid need to reduce their payroll.

10、The account department is running a new payroll program .

11、The uncertainty with Mr Obama lies with the payroll tax.

12、These services can range from supplier services to payroll services.

13、All told there were 104 people on the payroll.

14、Add to payroll system is a task that runs automatically to add the employee information into the payroll system.

15、Do you have a payroll process planned for your business?

16、The module innovasolutions.payrollmodule represents the payroll service for accessing employee payroll information in a legacy system using web services protocols.

17、A staff member proposes raising the payroll tax paid by firms and using part of the extra revenue to reduce the payroll tax paid by workers.

18、-- What are your expenses, including payroll, payroll taxes, merchandise and benefit plans for yourself and employees (such as health insurance, retirement)?

19、The login HTML file, the login servlet, and the payroll statement JSP for processing web requests and displaying employee payroll information.

20、In the past 12 monthshousehold employment, recalculated to fit the payroll survey’sdefinition, is actually up by 320, 000, while payroll employment is downby 403, 000.

21、Maybe one group of PACKAGEs is used by the payroll application.

22、Before Harrington knew it, she was down to her last $20,000, not enough to cover payroll.

23、Externalpayrollservice:用于访问innovasolutions .payrollmodule的远程payroll服务。

24、The accounting and payroll software were purchased, but the sales software was developed in-house

25、Basic salary accounts for one-third of the total payroll for the company, the report said.

26、Implementation of the financial sector of the units on the payroll management system to ensure that the system's security.

27、The critical loss of 29 months of payroll records from this period, as well as all the payroll records from January 1868 through May 1869 would have changed this total dramatically.

28、There are still responsibilities such as informing the payroll service of changes in individual wages or salaries, docking, and final pay, but payroll services are definitely the way to go.

29、The online payroll service also suggests replacing common vulgarities with phrases like "What the French toast?" or "brother trucker."

30、There is another survey, sometimes referred to as the payroll survey, that assesses 400000 businesses based on their reported payrolls.