1、I'm sixteen, after all.

2、sixteen-character formula

3、I'm sixteen years old.

4、Outside the mirrors place sixteen lotus flowers and sixteen censers.

5、The motel has sixteen units .

6、a mill with sixteen wings

7、I was sixteen years old.

8、He did this sixteen times.

9、Boys go into tails at sixteen.

10、Michael is seventeen. Carolyn is sixteen.

11、He is only sixteen years old.

12、She will be married at sixteen!

13、Teresa was sixteen, and Vampa seventeen.

14、I didn't get a bike until I was sixteen.

15、All in all, I have eighteen uncles and sixteen aunts.

16、Antifungal activity of sixteen bryophytes extracts on plant pathogen

17、She was plump and dark and looked about sixteen.

18、He had become a midshipman at age sixteen.

19、Refers to microcomputer systems that have a word size of sixteen bits. In other words, the central processing unit deals with instructions and data in chunks of sixteen-bit, and has internal buses and registers sixteen bits wide.

20、When he was sixteen or seventeen years old, he felt that girls of sixteen years old were so sophisticated that they were not "longevity faces".

21、Asking around at the hospital, she found Linda, a sixteen-year-old girl with incurable leukemia.

22、Every sixteen to twenty days, the ship stops in a port for three to six days.

23、By the later part of the sixteen hundreds, small hand-held camera obscuras were commonplace.

24、In many countries, sixteen or eighteen is the age when a person becomes an adult.

25、Fifteen or sixteen years. But you are now only nineteen years old...

26、"So there are to be eight boards, with their sixteen silver bases, two bases under every board."

27、All you remember about your child being sixteen is loud music and undecipherable lyrics screamed to a rhythmic beat.

28、But when I pulled down the covers, there staring up at me with googly eyes and wide mouths were sixteen fuzzy baby turkeys, and the cracked chips and caps of sixteen brown speckled eggs.

29、One of the most gifted prodigies in the history of music, he produced his first masterpiece at sixteen.

30、Latest reports from the northeast provinces say that at least sixteen people lost their lives in Sunday's floods.