1、explicitly or implicitly (

2、Name is specified explicitly.

3、We don't set them explicitly in main !

4、Requirements are traced explicitly and implicitly.

5、Israel is an explicitly Jewish state.

6、Let me just write it explicitly.

7、Other expectations are not explicitly stated.

8、For example, federal statutes might explicitly preempt, or explicitly waive any preemption of, state law.

9、These actions are not given explicitly in the example.

10、But it may be necessary to explicitly clear the cache.

11、It is essence put explicitly as a totality.

12、Now the service can explicitly request the correct version.

13、In fact, India did not explicitly threaten any such thing.

14、Ordering of the slices is imposed by the list when openjpa.slice.Names is explicitly specified.

15、While structure can be added (with RDFS and OWL), the structure is not explicitly enforced.

16、Since the compiler runs in 1.3 compatibility mode, you'll have to explicitly request 1.4 mode.

17、By using JNDI enc, the dependent object can explicitly request a reference to a certain collaborator.

18、Log in as Bob, explicitly ask SELinux for a domain transition, then run register.py.

19、First, changes to the original illustration have to be explicitly (and often manually) exported into the bitmap format.

20、All 50 states now have stalking, bullying or harassment laws that explicitly include electronic forms of communication.

21、Mr Hatoyama has explicitly presented his plan as a way to break the deadlock in international talks ahead of Copenhagen.

22、In 2003, our country formulated the book "geography Curriculum Standard (experiment)" and set the requirements of geography experiments explicitly.

23、So any attributes or functions you explicitly define take precedence over those defined in your original prototype.

24、United 93 is the first feature film to deal explicitly with the events of September 11, 2001, and is certain to ignite an emotional debate.

25、While in some cases, the court has expressed its reluctance to step into the legislative field, in others it has laid down detailed guidelines and explicitly formulated policy.

26、But when you use this trick for dividing a large group into smaller ones, something strange happens that I've never heard anyone mention explicitly.

27、Although the American Academy of Pediatrics offers guidelines recommending that parents model appropriate social media use for their children, it does not explicitly discuss oversharing by parents.

28、You explicitly do not want Real-Time Asset Locator to both interpret the button press event and create the business activity, such as create the workflow in Maximo.

29、For standard types, it is not too difficult to explicitly list all the behaviors implemented (though these change a bit between Python versions, or certainly between different programming languages).

30、The flip side is that, in contrast to normal page requests, the portal does not provide any default header information for the response; all information must be explicitly set during resource serving.