1、Depression can affect appetite.

2、How's your appetite?

3、whet a person's appetite

4、appetite for risk

5、a wolfish appetite, grin

6、How's your appetite lately? ( I had lose my appetite. )

7、Did I ruin your appetite?

8、Strong appetite and normal defecation.

9、How 's your appetite lately? I have lost my appetite .

10、This smell whets my appetite.

11、The appetite grows by eating.

12、In women can have oviposit period decreased appetite, these days most women appetite is not good, appetite is smaller.

13、Most infants have a ravenous appetite.

14、Exercise will improve your appetite for food.

15、The frying bacon whetted my appetite.

16、an insatiable appetite, curiosity, desire, thirst, etc

17、He has an appetite for writing.

18、Lili had obviously regained his appetite, but Dolan couldn't afford to lose his appetite.

19、The cook was astonished at his incredible appetite.

20、For these people, alfalfa may assist in increasing the appetite.

21、One type of brain cell in the arcuate produces chemicals that activate the appetite. Another type makes appetite-quashing molecules.

22、Therefore, cannabinoids probably function to stimulate the appetite.

23、The odour of food may trigger people's appetite.

24、Do mot blame your food because you have no appetite.


26、Asking diet and appetite may know the conditions of the spleen and stomach. It includes: thirst and drinking appetite and amount of food taste.

27、The primary clinical symptoms include: hectic fever and sweating, restlessness and irritability, appetite reduction or bad appetite, and sore and pain in loin and legs.

28、If often poor appetite, indigestion, can not find the problem, how to do?

29、It interferes with the body's metabolism, possibly via the activity of an appetite-controlling hormone.

30、A new study suggested that our short-term memory also may play a role in appetite.