1、competence test [driving licence]

2、competence in solving problems

3、competence of stream

4、acquire [amass] a competence

5、Ways of developing students linguistic competence and communicative competence;

6、within [beyond] the competence of...

7、The traps in core competence;

8、People equate confidence with competence.

9、The young surgeon showed exceptional competence.

10、Many people have testified to his competence.

11、Is it in my circle of competence?

12、Weston had realized an easy competence.

13、The competence character model is composed of various competence characteristics and excellent performance of specific occupations.

14、From interpreting competence to interpreter competence--A tentative model for objective assessment of interpreting;

15、A Brief Discussion about the Dynamic Features of the Connotations of the linguistic competence, the communicative competence and the pragmatic competence;

16、Evaluate the relevance, sufficiency, and competence of evidence.

17、Structuralist poetics has formed the theoretical background of literary competence.

18、But they like competence, effectiveness and modernity, too.

19、A pleasing uniformity of decent competence appears throughout our habitations.

20、The development of core competence theory: An empirical research on the relationship between entrepreneurial competence and competitiveness in China;

21、Never move out of your circle of competence

22、Research on the construction of the core competence of high-tech enterprises based on the core technology competence;

23、Study about improving"the validity that mandarin uses competence to test"method--Mandarin use competence"second second grade how improve for"second first grade;

24、Congress holds special competence over the factual arena while the Supreme Court holds special competence over the interpretation of the Constitution.

25、includes the training certificate of crew membership, the service book of crew members, the competence certificate of the crew membership, and other competence certificates.

26、Therefore, this paper attempts to comprehensively analyze and study industrial cluster's core competence, based on the theories of industrial cluster development and industry core competence.

27、Childhood activities help a child develop responsibility, independence, confidence and competence.

28、The core competence power and human resource development of the private enterprise;