1、tribute transformation

2、pay a tribute to...

3、Shew me the tribute money.

4、She accepted their tribute graciously.

5、Exact tribute from a conquered people.

6、The conquered rendered tribute to the conqueror.

7、He shook his head in tribute.

8、They rendered tribute to the conqueror.

9、Give Carmen the tribute for captain Red.

10、lay a country under tribute = lay a tribute on a country

11、The second part: Heshuo Separatist Prefecture 's tribute.

12、Many CARDS left there paid tribute to those lost.

13、"I volunteer!" I gasp. "I volunteer as tribute!"

14、His recovery is a tribute to the doctors' skill.

15、Today we pay tribute to one of America's greatest composers.

16、It is true that the magnificent paintings he depicts are a tribute to human perseverance, but there are limits to this tribute.

17、Then the tribute the mob paid him was a sorry tribute indeed, for that same mob had wallowed "Ephemera" into the mire.

18、Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.

19、I pay tribute to the mothers and wives and sisters of our nation.

20、It was a tribute to the stunning improvement in the country's standard of living.

21、Also thank those disinterested limb offering as a tribute of no reputation!

22、Neil: Yes. There are tribute bands to Abba, the Doors, the Rolling Stones, and many others.

23、In June he made a cameo appearance in a comic tribute, "Rod Blagojevich Superstar".

24、On April 23, the Son of Heaven knows the tribute by participating in the political affairs of Ludoxon, the Academy of Hanlin Academy of Sciences undertakes Taogu, and Xu Xuxun of Zhishe People's Court jointly knows the tribute.

25、In tribute to Hubble's longest-running optical camera, a planetary nebula has been imaged as WFPC2's final "pretty picture."

26、It has no religious significance; the founders of the movement adopted it as a tribute to Switzerland.

27、But the Mongols, being tough and mobile, were not an easy people from whom to exact tribute, and more often than not the Chinese preferred to forgo the tribute rather than try to exact it.

28、It's a tribute to Jordan all right, but more like a cynical ode to his business sense.

29、On the contrary. Nevertheless, this tribute to the new President and his family-with portraits shot by Annie leibovitz-echoes a tribute to President Kennedy published in Vogue on January 1, 1961.

30、Flowers, the American flag and his VFW comrades surround him, paying tribute to him as the man really was.