1、That's a ridiculous stereotype.

2、It's wrong to stereotype people.

3、A stereotype can specialize or generalize only another stereotype: a class cannot participate in the generalization relationship with the stereotype.

4、He fits the stereotype of a scholar.

5、Also add the stereotype to it.

6、He is my stereotype of a schoolteacher.

7、Polly screamed and added his stereotype witticism.

8、To make a stereotype or electrotype from.

9、That this is a positive stereotype makes it no less a stereotype, and therefore unacceptable.

10、City fireworks, in the lonely blooming above, only wonderful stereotype, photographed, and then stereotype life.

11、The data, however, do not seem to confirm this stereotype.

12、Being exposed to women who defy the stereotype helps.

13、So here is a call to arms: fight the stereotype!

14、The stereotype need not be applied if you do not want to set any of the stereotype properties.

15、They're reminded of a positive stereotype that boosts their morale.

16、Applying the stereotype to a Package does several things.

17、On the other hand, there's a prevalent stereotype that poets are mad - and research suggests that this stereotype isn't totally unfounded.

18、As one important branch of stereotype, the gender stereotype embodies the fixed cognitive pattern of past experience toward men and women.

19、Because we are not using any of the stereotype properties, we leave them at default values.

20、The common stereotype for programmers is this: nerdy, pocket-protector wielding, and very, very boring.

21、For example, lawyers are shrewd and dishonest is a popular stereotype.

22、You now have to reapply the stereotype to the package, and set the correct properties.

23、Given the tiny edge men held, why does the stereotype have a strong hold?

24、Enumerations can be used to specify the type of stereotype attributes only if they are defined in the same profile as the stereotype itself, or in an imported profile.

25、Then, open the diagram in the package and create two classes, representing two business goals, and stereotype them as.

26、He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the city businessman with a dark suit and rolled umbrella.

27、Business use cases and some of their stereotype attributes, which show how to report on stereotyped model data.

28、The stereotype of what a middle-class man did with his money was perhaps nearer the truth.

29、A stereotype is a simplistic or exaggerated image that humans carrying in their minds about groups of people.

30、"Schools in the family of vocational education have that stereotype, that it's for kids who can't make it academically," he says.