1、craniocerebral trauma

2、genitourinary trauma

3、A trauma center; a trauma team.

4、crush injury; crush trauma

5、absolutely fatal trauma

6、Necessity for survival of trauma.

7、Every kind of trauma, is a mature.

8、Brain surgery, head injury or trauma.

9、A bodily injury, irritation, or trauma.

10、Diagnosis and treatment of pancreaticoduodenal combined trauma

11、Participants: Patients transferred to the trauma center requiring orthopaedic trauma service involvement.

12、Analysis of curative effect of standard large trauma craniotomy on severe craniocerebral trauma

13、Globe rupture can occur secondary to blunt or penetrating trauma.

14、The coroner says the bodies show no signs of trauma.

15、It was a trauma to all those involved.

16、Effects of trauma on cellular immunity function and the role of supplying lymphocytes in recovering severe trauma

17、lose consciousness due to a sudden trauma, for example.

18、In addition, WHO is sending emergency trauma medical supplies to treat hundreds of people suffering from severe trauma injuries.

19、The results was that single viscus trauma occurred in 71.9% (23/32) , and splenic rupture was above all the trauma.

20、In the cases of compensation for human trauma in road accidents, if the victim is also responsible for the trauma, the misconduct offset should be applied.

21、Well, I think that we need trauma centres, because trauma is the largest killer of people under the age of 40.

22、"It may be closed (Blunt trauma) or open (penetrating trauma). Blood vessels, nerves, muscles, Bones, joints, and internal organs may be damaged."

23、It is inappropriate at this time to suggest that widespread trauma has occurred or to identify particular people as suffering trauma.

24、By studying the effect of surgical trauma to postoperative systemic inflammatory reaction syndrome (SIRS).

25、Objective:To get a retrospective conclusion of reconstructive operation for osteal orbital structure after trauma.

26、Results: The severer the craniocerebral trauma was the more obvious change the blood thyroxine was.

27、Objective To investigate the curative effect of severest head injury with standard large trauma craniotomy.

28、Objective To investigate the diagnoses and therapy of akinetic mutism(AM) after brain trauma.

29、With bullets ricocheting off nearby walls, WHO trauma surgeon Dr Omar Saleh turns his attention to the job at hand, which is to train Somali health care workers in life-saving trauma surgery.

30、In order to guard against damage during trauma, the brain releases protective chemicals that also happen to trigger intense hallucinations.