1、stroboscopic disc

2、honeycomb disc speaker system

3、metal disc fuel filter

4、Replace cover and disc.

5、reversible disc plough

6、centrifugal disc photosedimentometer

7、Percutaneous laser disc decompression for cervical disc herniation

8、Types: continuous ring disc and dense teeth welding disc.

9、Winchester disc: Fixed hard disc with extensive backing store capacity.

10、liquid supply disc-piston meter

11、This disc can be revolved.

12、low air-entry ceramic disc

13、CD-E (compact disc-erasable)

14、steering disc and bevel gear

15、Disc recording method, disc reproducing apparatus, and disc-shaped recording medium.

16、Methods disc diffusion screening method, double-disc synergy method, K-B disc diffusion confirmatory method.

17、To reverse the seat disc, unscrew the disc screw and disassemble the disc washer and disc rubber from the disc holder assembly.

18、The technical parameters, construction, the friction disc and controlled disc of the GP120-10 disc vacuum filter are presented.

19、Care for lumbar intervertebral disc herniation treated with disc-inside with O_3 and disc-outside with the collagenase dissolved operation

20、road tax disc(displayed on the vehicle)

21、DEPENDABILITY. Self adjusting hydraulic disc brakes.

22、Safety of disc brake automatic driller system

23、Compact disc(/disk) player; CD player

24、felt disc machine for cold-working glass

25、Floppy disc: Small flexible plastic disc widely used for magnetic storage of information on micro computers.

26、Microfloppy disc: A 89 mm (3,5 inches) floppy disc encased in a rigid plastic shell.

27、They lay, were read quickly and quickly slid, disc by disc, into the till.

28、Said stopper inner disc and stopper outer disc adopts at least two or two more sheets.

29、Effection of the training lecture disc on patients' rehabilitation after lumbar disc herniation operation

30、Disc brake, as the name suggests, the shape is like a disc and its main parts include brake disc, wheel cylinder, brake caliper and vitta etc.