1、Statically forbid polymorphic recursion.

2、laws that forbid speeding;

3、To forbid or prohibit authoritatively.

4、I forbid you the house.

5、To forbid the mentioning of

6、The Import of firearms are forbid

7、To do things you would forbid.

8、'The gracious and merciful Heavens forbid!'

9、No. I forbid it. You cannot.

10、Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Sweden forbid it outright.

11、If you want to go, Ican't forbid you.

12、Ministry of Railways rules effectively forbid foreign companies from bidding.

13、And that code might (god forbid) conflict with my code!

14、forbid the public distribution of; as of movies or newspapers.

15、Even if copyright permits noncommercial sharing, the EULA may forbid it.

16、Naturally, if a soldier wants to smoke we can't forbid this.

17、Parents paranoid about kidnapping, forbid their children to talk to strangers.

18、Regulations now forbid any new construction within 500 metres of the site.

19、The patent alliance does not favor the market forbid too. Patent alliance:that is used to gain the monopoly profit.

20、A:That's a good idea! But the goverment publicize to forbid the motorbike to drive into the city.

21、Making an appointment conforms the rule that early book early play, and strictly forbid transferring the fixed group.

22、Did that statute forbid all restraints of trade, or did it prohibit only unreasonable, that is, direct and calculated, restraints?

23、Ascend the wave son to strictly forbid in to cause disturbance wildly for the and calumniate without restraint.

24、We must, however, forbid the killing without discrimination of ordinary personnel on the Kuomintang side, the common run of landlords and rich peasants and lesser offenders.

25、As the first law does not forbid to build this machine, there are always inventors who try to refurbish the idea again.

26、forbid hiring children for most jobs and set rules for using children in others (such as acting): set standards for working conditions;

27、Employers will be obliged to warn staff of the dangers of smoking but not to forbid them from lighting up at their desks.

28、Next time, if God forbid there is one, she'll press for a needle biopsy-and she'll ask more questions if her doctor recommends otherwise.

29、For the legislature absolutely or constitutionally to forbid public speaking in a high way or public park is no more an infringement of the rights of a member of the public than for the owner of a private house to forbid it in his house.