1、Any question about any of that?

2、He denies any wrongdoing.

3、Isn't there any shortcut?

4、Is there any ambiguity?

5、Delete any unnecessary messages.

6、Glen: Need any help?

7、that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe,

8、Any vacillation or procrastination, any contrary policy, is absolutely wrong.

9、that prevail in any given society at any given time.

10、Have you done any (ie studied any works by) Shakespeare?

11、You'd also capture any change to undo any schema changes.

12、Have you any money?I don't have any money.

13、Do you have any straws?

14、He doesn't have any envelopes.

15、Undertake any required metadata validation

16、They don't have any wheels.

17、Remove any redundant queue definition.

18、You must be died,because I can't feel any,any things any more.

19、We do not provide any identifiable personal information to any third party for any purpose.

20、That meant they could leave at any time for any reason without any consequences.

21、Don't want to be at any one time, any location, leave any regret!

22、ONLINE advertisers are not lacking in choices: They can display their ads in any color, on any site, with any message, to any audience, with any image.

23、the form of any document for the purpose of any proceedings in a Tribunal or for any appeal;

24、Do not give any money or gratuity under any pretext whatsoever to any staff of the Hall.

25、Neither I, nor any of my associates, have sought or received any benefit of any form from Pargav.

26、She was willing to try any means — any ritual, any prayer — in order to trap and channel the supernatural Power.

27、The wonder is that any bank, any corporate borrower, any mortgagor could have remained solvent, not that so many defaulted.

28、At any rate, change will be slow.

29、I would never abandon any friends.