1、pegmatophyric texture

2、nematoblastic texture

3、phaneroblastic texture

4、elegant texture, soft touch

5、Resembling plush in texture.

6、cellular structure [ texture ]

7、cholesteric planer texture

8、automatic texture analysis system

9、3. Texture mosaic technology based on partial texture mapping.

10、Having a rough, coarse texture.

11、Metamorphic rock having porphyritic texture.

12、Ores have columnar crystalloblastic fabric, lepidoblastic texture, inclusion texture, impregnation structure and block texture.

13、Set the GL_MODULATE texture environment, set the texture repeat mode to GL_CLAMP, and set the texture border color to white.

14、The results show that cold-roll texture mainly consists of copper-type texture, r-type texture and some S-type texture, when the general deformation rate is 96%.

15、Green and leaflike in appearance or texture.

16、There are two types of texture; Tactile, or visual texture, and texture which you can detect with your five senses.

17、Where does melody sit in the texture?

18、Method combining texture extraction with contour detection

19、having the abrasive texture of sandpaper.

20、It can give clear hair texture and elasticity, and enhance hair texture and layering.

21、The threaded texture and schlieren texture of nematic phase can be observed.

22、Flotation froth image texture extraction method based on fuzzy texture spectrum

23、AZ31 microstructure and texture of original basal texture by equal channel angular pressing

24、Texture synthesis generates unlimited size texture image by input a patch of small texture, though sufficiently different, when perceived by human being, they are same under stochastic process.

25、Their exfoliating texture removes dead skin cells, dirt and oil.

26、The fish has a slimy texture but tastes delicious.

27、Ultimate hair style is formed after rendering and texture mapping.

28、Gel texture is extrinsic exhibition of egg white microstructure.

29、Panellists carefully analyse each bite for texture and flavour.

30、The new texture coordinate is used to index a regular texture map and any other maps applied to the surface.