1、encouraging result

2、That's really something encouraging.

3、The situation is encouraging.

4、The results have been encouraging.

5、The army’s progress is encouraging.

6、This friendly reminder is encouraging.

7、What he found wasn't encouraging.

8、encouraging advances in medical research.

9、Jack threw in the odd encouraging comment.

10、There were other mildly encouraging signs.

11、Establishing incentive mechanism encouraging the family planning.

12、the act of earnestly supporting or encouraging.

13、It is a encouraging starting point.

14、Fear is applicable in two ways when encouraging truth.

15、Fourth, encouraging all social sectors to aid poor peasant households.

16、Many governments are now encouraging people to have larger families.

17、But the overall message is none too encouraging.

18、I received an encouraging response to my advertisement.

19、Comparison of music with different levels of encouragement indicates that highly encouraging music can produce actual sensitivity than medium and lowly encouraging music.

20、If you’re trying to build a successful life, you’re going to need encouraging words in your mind that paint encouraging pictures (not negative words painting negative pictures).

21、The forward motion is encouraging, and before long, you'll probably find yourself speeding toward completion.

22、Ignore all those critical voices, those internal voices encouraging you to stop.

23、The UK's stewardship code is actively encouraging institutional shareholders to co-operate with companies.

24、I have really appreciated my dear friends' encouraging and visiting these days!

25、The results of this prospectively controlled experimental study are encouraging for further clinical trials.

26、This finding supports the theory that placebos reduce pain by encouraging the brain to produce more natural opiates than usual.

27、But enjoying tax preferences unevenly violated the equal rule, encouraging homeownership excessively boosted subprime mortgage crisis to happen.

28、For example, encouraging words to someone who is sad can help them make it through the day.

29、When we fail the exam, encouraging words from our teachers or parents make us work harder at our lessons.

30、So they set about building a network of roads and encouraging loggers and cattle companies to move in.