1、Who's in the toilet?

2、Is this the toilet?

3、current outstanding toilet articles

4、There's no toilet paper.

5、The toilet is broken.

6、a cake of toilet soap

7、Have you flushed the toilet?

8、Don't put anything but toilet paper in the toilet.

9、Give the toilet a flush.

10、Do you need the toilet ?

11、Is there a pay toilet?

12、He unwittingly entered the ladies' toilet.

13、The toilet is located fore and aft .

14、Put the rabbit on the toilet.

15、unstop a sink, toilet, drain, etc

16、He walked out of the toilet.

17、This way, when someone goes to flush a toilet, the toilet tank will explode.

18、When go toilet, you would like to bring your own toilet paper.

19、Each must have four sides, a toilet seat and toilet paper.

20、The utility model relates to a seat toilet, in particular to a water-saving seat toilet.

21、Results the three-chamber toilet, the biogas toilet and the urine diverting toilet could all meet the hygienic standards for non-hazardous disposal of excreta.

22、'Jesus's face' spotted on the toilet door in Ikea Glasgow.

23、Georgia: Um, Vin, this looks like a toilet.

24、To refer to a toilet as a “rest room” is miles apart from the Chinese idea of a toilet.

25、Computer keyboards can be dirtier than a toilet: study.

26、ceramic toilet bowl [excl. of porcelain or china]

27、Sucre stands at the toilet but it won't flush.

28、In addition, he still is willing to offer deodorization of public toilettoilet freely to seek advice.

29、I cut my toilet-paper usage in half by folding the toilet paper instead of wadding it.

30、"Now, you two – this year, you behave yourselves. If I get one more owl telling me you've – you've blown up a toilet or –" "Blown up a toilet? We've never blown up a toilet." "Great idea though, thanks, Mum."