1、signal discriminator

2、cautionary signal

3、identification signal

4、targeting signal

5、interference signal

6、Disable application signal handling.

7、field signal construction gang

8、signal construction gang

9、line signal sender connector

10、dimensionality of signal space

11、Fiber port is unsurpassed, fully regenerates signal, preventing signal attenuation.

12、Both the friction signal and sudden unbalance signal features nonstationarity.

13、vision and sound signal processing

14、No signal came that night.

15、vector diagram of chrominance signal

16、train air signal stop cock

17、lifebuoy self-activating smoke signal

18、A typical SS7 network has signal switch points, signal transfer points and signal control points.

19、However, to discuss signal measurement methods, you should classify a given signal as one of five signal types.

20、If the signal is noisy, then filtering the signal to reduce the amplitudes of the noise frequencies improves signal quality.

21、Minimum detectable signal-to-noise ratio

22、""Proceed in this lane" [lane use signal]"

23、be sounded as a signal or warning

24、the audible part of a transmitted signal.

25、To score signal successes again and again

26、Using hardware digital synthesis method, the signal source generates three phase sinusoidal voltage and current signal.

27、For redundancy, a signal switch is typically connected to two independent signal transfer points.

28、Results:5 cases' lumbar MR manifest uniformity hypo-signal in T1WI, uniformity hypo-signal in T2WI.

29、The voice signal is convolution of an original voice signal and the environment channel impulse response.

30、The pulse width generator 404 receives a signal from diode 405 and a select signal.