1、Now execute the script.

2、Then execute your plan.

3、To execute a punt.

4、Ability to execute scripts.

5、Don't just strategize: execute!

6、The process instance will execute.

7、Define, plan, execute, redefine, plan again, execute again, etc.

8、To execute or cause to execute a countermarch.

9、Next, execute your mining flow.

10、Where will we execute them?

11、You should execute your duties.

12、execute a warrant of arrest

13、Now you can execute this code.

14、Defines how to "execute" a Jython command.

15、It can execute Apache Ant scripts.

16、Brethren, execute upon him the judgment written.

17、What will it take to execute?

18、To display data in the grid execute the query using Execute with Grid.

19、To activate the te policy, execute the following command.

20、Once in kadmin.local, you can execute Kerberos administrator tasks.

21、To execute IPD, certain artifacts must be generated.

22、The application should execute, as shown in Figure 30.

23、Finally, execute a query that USES the functional index.

24、As can be seen, there is no execute bit for the group, and only user alpha may execute the file.

25、Execute the recommendations now, schedule a job to execute later, and/or save the recommendations as a script.

26、Because the threads execute identical code, they should have similar dynamic priority adjustments and execute in a round-robin fashion from the same run-queues.

27、Parallelism is introduced by running the main thread scheduling child threads for each task so that the tasks execute concurrently while each thread execute the task synchronously.

28、At execute time or when the first row is requested, a JDBC driver would not execute the SELECT statement that was provided by the application.

29、Ability to execute and make things happen shows drive, purpose, aggressiveness, organizational skills and more.

30、The NIM master must be able to execute remote commands on the client using RSH.