1、propagating medium

2、MacConkey medium

3、martempering medium

4、distortionless medium

5、dispersion medium

6、Suitable for medium to medium hard formations.

7、corrugating medium paper

8、medium Edison screw-cap

9、medium voltage winding

10、artificial ionized medium

11、HINDQUARTERS: With medium angulation.

12、Stochastic medium model belongs to in-continuous medium theory.

13、She is of medium stature.; She is medium in stature.

14、The sandstones are mainly coarse, medium-coarse and medium sandstones.

15、Under medium and medium current density, tunneling is important.

16、It's an irresistible advertising medium.

17、Single medium blue. Medium green, pointed, hairy, serrated. Standard.

18、medium temperature sensor in pipeline

19、Small hexagon medium thin nuts

20、fluid bed heavy medium separator

21、medium brim fur felt hat

22、A brand new medium-sized encyclopedic dictionary.

23、If you prefer, you can indicate something in the middle by saying medium", "medium-rare", or "medium well done".

24、He is a man of medium height.

25、medium-tall celery pine of Tasmania.

26、My shirt size is medium husky.

27、Preheat skillet grids on medium heat.

28、A new autoagglutination test medium for Yersinia enterocolitica-PC medium was prepared.

29、Characterized by strong attraction between the colloid medium and the dispersion medium of a colloidal system.

30、To remove data from a data medium, leaving the medium available for recording new data.