1、The recession is easy.

2、A world recession broke.

3、The "double dip" recession.

4、recover from a [the] recession

5、The economy is in recession.

6、The recession bankrupt my father .

7、The company has weathered the recession.

8、The recession is consuming their revenues.

9、Even in a recession, tittle - tattle sells.

10、Survey: economy declining, but recession abating.

11、The premise is that doing nothing will hasten recession. And recession is unacceptable.

12、That undermines the financial system and deepens the recession.

13、this is not your ordinary, run-of-the-mill recession.

14、When America went into recession in 2001, DSO averaged 38.9.

15、But the recession presents a crisis of a different magnitude.

16、SILK gowns were everywhere, signs of recession nowhere.

17、I never liked the term "the great recession," because this is not an ordinary recession, not even a great one.

18、Never mind whether we're technically in a recession: it feels like a recession to most people, and higher interest rates would make it worse.

19、Faults and fractures will accelerate the recession of pore water, and make the pore water proportion reduce and the fissure water proportion increase in the recession curve.

20、It's a recession proof business. It's actually recession friendly. In harder times businesses and individuals try harder to cut costs when the economy slows down.

21、And the public sector, which has been a haven during the recession, will be shedding staff.

22、Currency deflation often goes along with economic recession with a worse influence than inflation.

23、Perhaps. But the publishing industry is in decline, and a deep recession could hurt sales further.

24、The economy is stagnant, may tip into recession this quarter and will barely grow next year.

25、Credit for the rest of the economy will become more dear as well, worsening the recession.

26、This is not yet the hiring pace one would hope to see after so deep a recession-there are still 13.7m unemployed workers and nonfarm employment remains nearly 7m jobs below the pre-recession peak.

27、President Barack Obama has suggested that the recession in America is nearing an end. However unemployment typically continues to rise for a period even after a recession has ended.

28、While France has so far narrowly escaped a recession - which is defined as two successive periods of negative growth - it is widely expected to be in recession next year.

29、You'll have to look at business models that will produce a competitive edge in the post-recession economy.