1、Modeling of peer-to-peer traffic caching deployment

2、A Vague set-based peer-to-peer subjective trust model

3、UDP based implementation of peer to peer communication

4、Research of peer to peer communication architecture in heterogeneous network

5、Sibling relationships also influence children's peer status and peer relationships.

6、Who is your peer group?

7、They do not fund peer-reviewed research.

8、The child is bright than his peer.

9、Kennicott stooped to peer through the windows.

10、You will not find his peer.

11、a titled peer of the realm.

12、The files are encrypted and sent directly, peer-to-peer, through your existing web browser.

13、A new wireless standard could challenge Bluetooth for peer-to-peer sharing supremacy.

14、Routing algorithm on cache in structured peer-to-peer overlay networks

15、I view choreography as a form of peer-to-peer interaction because there is no "conductor".

16、This peer-to-peer connection is advantageous in terms of performance.

17、Compeer:a person of equal status or rank; a peer.

18、peer pressure是人生动力之源

19、On the other hand, if the defendants win, the market for peer-to-peer file sharing software will probably boom.

20、Specifies the type of change that occurred for a peer.

21、"Bandwidth for I/O, real-time interlocking, peer-to-peer messaging and programming all on the same link"

22、Yet them nor peer nor prince can buy,

23、Or the result of some sort of preschool peer-pressure?

24、If peer side is a SIP server, MSS will use the external line information to register to peer SIP server.

25、In some American cities, peer-to-peer taxi services have been banned after lobbying by traditional taxi firms.

26、Joseph calls sharing his knowledge network through peer-to-peer learning a core piece of the company's culture.

27、One used a peer-to-peer moneylending site to show that a person's physiognomy is a reliable predictor of his creditworthiness.

28、The transfer is peer 2 peer so no one can enter on this secure line, so don't worry, your transfer is safe.

29、Anyone who wants a company to be run by a self-serving, self-sufficient conspiracy group can hardly improve this system of peer-to-peer collaboration.

30、Objective To understand current status of knowledge, attitude and behaviors and needs of peer education about adolescent health among college students, and to provide basis for peer education.