1、tetrahedral hypothesis

2、Michaelis-Menten hypothesis

3、specific neuron code hypothesis

4、deferred gratification pattern hypothesis

5、mantle convection hypothesis

6、Sapir Whorf hypothesis

7、His fourth hypothesis is the comprehensible input hypothesis.

8、The first hypothesis is the acquisition and learning distinction hypothesis.

9、testing hypothesis of curvilinear relationship

10、Each hypothesis has its difficulties.

11、Galileo proposed a new hypothesis.

12、So we have a hypothesis.

13、"I do not give hypothesis" leads controversy whether Newton was certain about hypothesis or negated the hypothesis.

14、It is merely a hypothesis; so far.

15、Can mathematicians prove the Riemann hypothesis?

16、Fortunately, the collision hypothesis is testable.

17、The hypothesis promptly attracted some interest.

18、The big-particle hypothesis takes another approach.

19、If the hypothesis does not match the observations, you must revise your hypothesis.

20、The third hypothesis is the monitor hypothesis, which is central to his theory.

21、His second hypothesis is the natural order in the acquisition hypothesis.

22、There are three points of view on origins of Hainan Li Nationality. That is Southern Immigrants hypothesis, Northern Immigrants hypothesis, and Bi-immigrants or Multi-immigrants hypothesis.

23、Actually, that's something the flexibility hypothesis explains very well.

24、There is a third movement the hypothesis covers called precession.

25、This hypothesis makes intuitive sense, but certain aspects are troubling.

26、However, the discontinuity hypothesis can pose problems of its own.

27、Does their hypothesis behind the test apply in every case?

28、Typically, there are agency cost hypothesis, information asymmetry hypotheses, tax hypotheses, maturity matching theory and floatation cost hypothesis.

29、This review summarizes the possible mechanisms which include weight loss, gastrointestinal hormones, foregut hypothesis, hindgut hypothesis, adipocytokines, and inflammatory factors.

30、Hence, the market segmentation hypothesis and the liquidity hypothesis are tenable under the background of Chinese enterprises listed overseas.