1、To undergo or cause to undergo catabolism.

2、To undergo or cause to undergo fibrillation.

3、To undergo or cause to undergo diffraction.

4、to undergo a conversion

5、To undergo menstruation.

6、To undergo dissociation.

7、Production applications undergo changes periodically.

8、To undergo or cause to undergo cross-fertilization.

9、To undergo a crash dive.

10、She will undergo immediate treatment.

11、To undergo the process of becoming obsolete.

12、The technology will undergo further improvements.

13、undergo being photographed in a certain way.

14、undergo [ go through ] all kinds of hardships

15、Willingly undergo continuous learning and adaptation.

16、To undergo or cause to undergo conversion to a previous state or condition.

17、undergo condensation; change from a gaseous to a liquid state.

18、Patients with stromal inasion should undergo radical surgery.

19、He will undergo chemotherapy and radiotherapy. See article.

20、The efficacy in patients who undergo thoracoscopic surgery is better than that in ones who undergo thoracic surgeryoperation.

21、Nobody can undergo a procedure like this without an anesthetic!

22、Some children undergo a complete transformation when they become teenagers.

23、Because even those who undergo circumcision do not themselves keep the law; but they would have you undergo circumcision, so that they may have glory in your flesh.

24、This meant that H.M. was the only person ever to undergo it.

25、The new President was about to undergo his first experience of the bureaucratic steamroller.

26、Objective To explore the occurrence of Acute Flaccid Paralysis(AFP) in children and undergo surveillance.

27、And an infinitely small universe is one that would undergo a Big Bang.

28、Second, conscious sedation has to be used only once for the same patient to undergo both interventions simultaneously.

29、get an idea; experience vertigo; get nauseous; undergo a strange sensation; The fluid undergoes shear; receive injuries; have a feeling.