1、Service provider.

2、Service provider routing intermediary.

3、ASP (application service provider)

4、online service provider

5、OSP (online service provider)

6、The physical provider.

7、Provider means a dispute-resolution service provider approved by ICANN.

8、Portability from cloud provider A to cloud provider B

9、Will the provider take responsibility?

10、Set up the service provider.

11、Enrich an existing JMS provider.

12、Note that there is no URL provider.

13、Let's implement our own table label provider.

14、Using the JDBC service provider interface (SPI).

15、Finally, we need to register this provider.

16、Let's look at the content provider.

17、You can implement a Dojo tree provider similarly to the Dojo Grid provider.

18、In the provider service configuration file, you can also set configuration parameters for the provider.

19、Not only have you changed the provider address, but the provider binding as well!

20、Any service provider can register itself into a service registry and the protocol provider will be registered along with the provider classes that provide the service.

21、Shows the OLE DB provider used for this connection.

22、Each OLE DB provider defines specific connection information.


24、To change this, we need to provide a label provider.

25、The provider can support a minimal amount of functionality or a full-blown production quality provider by implementing more interfaces.

26、The signup up for the service provider is temporarily unavailable. Try again later or select a different service provider.

27、But before adding a content provider and label provider instance to this table viewer, we must first create our table.

28、Invalid unblock code. Contact your service provider for assistance.

29、The simplest type of provider supported by the OLE DB templates is a read-only provider with no commands.

30、An injector can only create a value for a given token if it has a provider for that token in its internal provider registry.