1、budget guideline ratio

2、Monetary Authority guideline

3、Finally, guideline 4 is already guaranteed by guideline 2.

4、There are no cases satisfying guideline (B).

5、A related guideline leverages interaction characteristics.

6、Cold plate design guideline for electronic equipment

7、Advances in optimized coagulation and operation guideline

8、By convention, you should follow this guideline.

9、Guideline 8 is related and is a generalized version of this guideline.

10、Step parameters: same guideline as outlined in "Parameters".

11、A written IQ test is merely a guideline.

12、In general this guideline places prose in element content.

13、Which server should be used as the guideline server?

14、Economic depreciation’s modification to the error of profitability guideline;

15、The list of "Statutory Provisions" in the Commentary to each offense guideline does not necessarily include every statute covered by that guideline.

16、This guideline is not an excuse to avoid good user interfaces.

17、A general guideline would be somewhere between 30 and 60 minutes.

18、Which server Settings should be compared to the guideline server's Settings? You have several options?

19、The standard and technical guideline of physical layer (phy) are emphasized.

20、The establishment of Codex guideline levels for dioxins in foods is under consideration.

21、The basic guideline for satisfactory performance is that the pages per second should not exceed 15 to 20.

22、Meanwhile UIA the architect recommended the development of guideline to promote and protect the global practice of architects.

23、On the improvement of security force under the guideline of 16th National Congress of Chinese Communist Party;

24、If the judge departs from the sentencing guideline range he must have a lawful reason for such a departure.

25、The new clinical practice guideline (2004) on ome some provides evidence-based recommendations on diagnosing and managing ome in children.

26、This design, however, violates the separation of concerns guideline because it requires that the ArticleHome and ArticleHomeDescription implementations know about the shopping cart.

27、Each row has become a guideline for the next process and has also maintained maximum control of fabric layers between machine parts.

28、The document is non-binding, but it will serve as a guideline for countries and donor states that fund health care and family planning programmes.

29、It will present guideline and general procedures of the payment programme design of the base from a strategic point of view in the design of the salary project.

30、Height-weight tables give an approximate guideline as to whether one is simply overweight or has passed into the obese stage.