1、Average propensity to consume

2、take or consume (regularly).

3、Charts and reports consume trees.

4、Consuming or tending to consume.

5、propensity to consume (to save)

6、consume resources, time, stores, etc

7、You cannot consume beyond your appetite.

8、Money struggles often consume our lives…daily.

9、STORY: CDC: Americans consume too much sodium.

10、Optimal consume-invest model with stochastic volatility;

11、The guests consume over 500yuan compliment mixed sushi or tenderloin.

12、Such systems consume almost no conventional fuel at all.

13、I could just not consume anything this year, and I could wait until next year and consume the terminal value.

14、You'll want to consume mainly carbs, but don't ignore protein.

15、Grief and trauma still consume many earthquake survivors.

16、The latter is shown as the consume theory, the alienation phenomena of the consume environment, consumer's personality oneself mainly.

17、Martha would consume nearly a pound of cheese per day.

18、The proposed indicator system includes water demand satisfying ratio, water resources development ratio, water consume per10000 Yuan GDP, water consume per capita, waste water treated ratio, water consume of ecosystem, available water usage per capita.

19、The results are: the energy consume flexibility of each industry is dissimilarity, the GDP is Granger causality of the energy consume.

20、The four-core Godson-3 will consume 10 watts of power, and the eight-core chip will consume 20 watts, says Xu.

21、Main used for the bottle of wine, water beverage profession to flush it use, have to consume ability, consume water little, usage convenience credibility of advantage.

22、Our restaurant offers food, not the basic utensils that are needed to consume the food.

23、Applications look up a topic in JNDI and publish or consume messages.

24、They generally consume more power and take up more space, too.

25、A single Acanthaster can consume five to six square meters of coral polyps per year.

26、The Finite Element Analyses (FEA) of complex constructions need huge memory and consume much time.

27、Consider this fact: Chinese consume 711 kilowatts of power per capita, vs. 11, 333 per capita in U.S..

28、The experts then recruited only lean people who did not usually consume sugary drinks. Their sensitivity to sweet drinks was tested and they were asked to consume a sugary drink twice a day.

29、Other studies have found that watching ads for beer and popcorn may make you more likely to consume them.