1、You owe me. You owe me big.

2、I owe him everything.

3、You owe them that.

4、I still owe you!

5、You don't owe me. I don't owe you. We're even.

6、I owe them a grudge.

7、owe a person a grudge

8、You don't owe me anything.

9、You owe me a favour!

10、-- We'll owe twopence, he said.

11、He didn't owe her ill will.

12、How much do I owe you, sir?

13、I owe so much to it.

14、By rights, I owe you an apology.

15、We owe our loyalty to our country.

16、You've got the wrong end of the stick; he doesn't owe me money, I owe him!

17、Others owe themselves cause and effect, and they owe others incompetence.

18、In truth you owe naught to any man. You owe all to all men.

19、I owe my teachers and parents a great deal.

20、I don't owe him by way of gratitude.

21、I owe him a debt of sixteen dollars.

22、I owe you an apology for my rudeness last night.

23、You may owe your wife the rest of your life, but you never owe it to your mother.

24、Joanna: OK. I give up. Remember you owe me one.

25、People owe one time, people owe one time, really or fake, just a rush of years, just a thanksgiving of life.

26、What is life, I owe you, I wait for the opportunity to return, you owe me, I don't care, you remember.

27、Life is a practice. Others owe themselves, comfort in their sleep, owe themselves to others, know how to be grateful, and have endless happiness in life.

28、Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.

29、Does the modern world owe its very existence to the humble spud?