1、I'm depending on you.

2、Again, important depending on team type.

3、Around 20 minutes, depending on the traffic.

4、Of, involving, or depending on a context.

5、Note especially the hierarchy definitions for the depending cubes.

6、You can set security on the real depending cubes.

7、The math works out differently depending on the vehicle design.

8、Creates or inserts an AutoText entry depending on the selection

9、The amount will possibly vary depending on the distance travelled.

10、The scenery of life is good or bad, depending on one's own mentality, depending on one's own perspective.

11、Only the list of templates is different, depending on what type of routine you want to create and depending on the database or language you select.

12、Flowers can last from several days to many months, depending on the species, and different species bloom at different times depending also on its care and environment.

13、But depending on your eating habits, special eggs may be worth the extra cash.

14、Each client can usually run 512 to 1,500 simulated users (depending upon the client's hardware).

15、Also, depending on the device, there are two different variants: WML and pagination.

16、Talk "in PSC tests the examinees' ability of speaking Putonghua without depending on the written materials."

17、Two bits meaning "read all files" and "write all files", or not, depending on their values.

18、Life is short, it is a kind of trust, not a kind of entrust, it is a kind of hope, it is not a kind of depending on others, nor is everything depending on others.

19、Storing some kinds of personal data is proscribed entirely, depending on the laws that apply in a particular jurisdiction.

20、Buffer swirls can either be very deep or very shallow, depending on how forcefully the were created and depending on the products and type of pad used while buffing.

21、The PHP code is called as needed, depending on which events you specify you want to be called for.

22、In these maps, depending on the size of it, may need more than one sniper or non at all.

23、Prices of the bags will typicallyrange from $149 to $249, he said, depending on the materials and size of thebag.

24、Each line after that contains either "ok" or "not ok" depending on whether the test succeeded or failed.

25、Conflict can be either good or bad depending on the type of conflict and the tact with which it is engaged.