1、summation convention

2、a hedge of convention

3、international tax convention

4、data communication, convention television,

5、business entity convention

6、The naming convention follows the hierarchical property naming convention.

7、What is your naming convention?

8、break the shackles of convention

9、Two psychiatrists were at a convention.

10、Lombok's annotations naming convention doesn't communicate intention.

11、Naming convention for replicates generated by templates

12、The convention does not apply to us.

13、This is a necessary GWT convention.

14、It is a common convention to use package names that conform to your own naming convention.

15、There's a convention downtown and we're the closest hotel to the convention center.

16、Berne Convention is the most important and most effective world copyright protection convention.

17、We hope you 'll quote us convention price .

18、What's the convention for men to wear on formal occasions?

19、They are not afraid to break with convention.

20、No accounting convention can capture his sterling record.

21、Well, the answer is basically in our convention for curl.

22、Thunderous sounds echoed inside the convention center, and all the glitz of the gaming industry's biggest convention.

23、Clay was not at the convention. He stayed in Washington and waited for news from the convention.

24、They cannot send individuals to a country that has not ratified the torture convention, the convention on refugees.

25、On the interaction relation between the development of Beijing convention and exhibition industry and the construction of convention and exhibition halls;

26、The episode involved the characters going to a science convention, but the science convention was only shown for about the last 60 seconds.

27、The viewport meta tag is not a standard yet, but it is a widely accepted convention.

28、In this convention, the words in the name of a service are separated by an underscore.

29、The convention called for a two-year moratorium on commercial whaling.

30、In the past, choice of soul mate was limited by geography, social convention and family tradition.