1、parking elevator

2、Pull on parking brake after parking.

3、parking braking system

4、parking brake handle grip

5、parking brake push-rod

6、parking brake control device

7、Ample underground parking lot available for parking needs.

8、fixed penalty for parking offences

9、Install parking brake lamp switch.

10、Demand-supply of parking spaces

11、There's a" no parking" sign.

12、Here 's a parking space!

13、Micro-level parking behaviors within parking facilities and optimal parking space choice model

14、Let's look for a parking lot.

15、The number of parking lots is small, the parking spaces are crowded and the parking fees are extraordinarily high.

16、Each city has its own parking rules.

17、There is ample car parking off site.

18、I need to pay the parking meter.

19、Here comes the bicycle parking tower.

20、The university administration said the car parking fees would help to deal with illegal car parking.

21、Help someone get your parking space in a crowded parking lot when you're leaving.

22、The electronic parking devices include smart-card-operated electronic parking meters and pay-and-display machines.

23、Parallel Parking Parallel and not parallel parking at a market in Tel Aviv. upyernoz via Flickr

24、To address the parking problems in our downtown business district, it has been proposed that the city increase parking capacity by building a four-story parking garage.

25、Underground parking garage as an economical use of land, isolated noise parking form it appears on the residential Area parking layout and residential environment greatly improved.

26、Be sure to connect the parking cord( Light green) to the parking brake switch cord. The mounting position of the parking brake switch cord depends on your car.

27、The parking brake is spring-applied and air-released.

28、Use stairs, park at end of parking lot.

29、You should save some money on parking here.