1、To divide property fairly

2、That's fairly blunt, Captain.

3、Father:This one's fairly good.

4、Try to judge fairly.

5、We did fairly well but only fairly well.

6、He told the facts fairly.

7、The boxer didn't box fairly.

8、So I fairly broke free.

9、The report was fairly incomprehensible.

10、This code is fairly compatible.

11、NN: We get asked that fairly often.

12、But Northeastern is still fairly small.

13、treat or consider adequately or fairly.

14、The activities listed are fairly generic.

15、I've seen some fairly big rowing boats.

16、These are fairly ambitious goals to be sure, and fairly extensive if considered in context.

17、Tome is fairly clever, but Peter is rather stupid.

18、At the time, Basic was a fairly crippled language.

19、Some of the damage can be mitigated fairly easily.

20、These are fairly high proportions considering the recent economic climate.

21、Here we have a fairly standard rear bike rack.

22、It's fairly dramatic — he's trying to change the face of global philanthropy, but it started in a fairly parochial way.

23、The response demonstrates fairly automatic and effective use of grammar and vocabulary, and fairly coherent expression of relevant ideas.

24、The market for talent in both banking and professional sport is fairly transparent (at least to the participants) and fairly efficient.Both are meritocratic.

25、A teacher with noble ethics must be a teacher who teaches according to his aptitude and treats every student fairly and fairly.

26、Nayef is only 77, and fairly spry. But he seldom travels outside the country.

27、The basic working model of VCL on HPC services is fairly simple.

28、The scripting language (LSL) is fairly well documented, although some sections are incomplete.

29、The shell is a fairly small application; the dsh and dsh.

30、This is fairly long-winded and less expressive than a PHP foreach statement.