1、Review reimbursement application and account entries review.

2、logistic evaluation and review

3、No review needed.

4、Quarterly review (New).

5、Let's review the checklist.

6、Pilomyxoid astrocytoma:literature review

7、Another type of review is the phase and milestone review.

8、Review The very next day, review the materials.

9、You can review and research.

10、The quarterly review is different.

11、a scientific, musical, etc review

12、Extract and review DNT strings.

13、Firstly, we review the concept.

14、A systems requirements review (SRR), preliminary design review (PDR), and critical design review (CDR).

15、The review commenced publication in Carmel, California.

16、Deviant material review and disposition record.

17、a review (of a book, etc.)

18、The prioress passed jean Valjean in review.

19、Run-time environment review (0.5 days).

20、If a review is suspected to be fraudulent, immediately contact the review site to dispute it.


22、Automated code review does not take the place of the manual code review, however.

23、Such a review need not be a full-blown code review.

24、JT: We have two modes: the standard review and the fast-track review.

25、This process if no place to remember for later review and review key week month review mark in a notebook, it also reduces their review burden, improve the efficiency of the review.

26、In our example there is a review process where the author of a document starts the review process by specifying all persons who should review the document.

27、Here's another feature of reviews: When people are asked to review something, they often procrastinate, skip the review, or do the review quickly but poorly.

28、To test our conclusions about code review in general and lightweight review in particular, we conducted the largest study ever done on code review.

29、The review process can vary from class to class, but generally it will either include peer review with feedback or direct review by the educator.

30、Doris has written a restaurant review on the Internet.