1、interaction impedance

2、hydrodynamical interaction

3、interaction crosstalk

4、operator interaction

5、rock-bit interaction model

6、rock-bit interaction

7、cladding-fuel interaction

8、process interaction organization

9、predator prey interaction

10、Research on distance learners instructional interaction level in asynchronous interaction;

11、interaction between quantity and quality

12、Interview where the interaction happens

13、universal Fermi weak interaction theory

14、Types of interaction design patterns

15、Quality linkage and industry interaction;

16、But with open source software, that interaction seems to foster further interaction, and user-to-user interaction, especially well.

17、A related guideline leverages interaction characteristics.

18、Or they simply crave professional interaction.

19、They scored higher on social interaction.

20、Transmits state information about client/server interaction.

21、Collaborations: Describes the interaction between the participants.

22、Guest-interaction--An Important Factor in Interaction Quality Management Mode of Hotel;

23、the interaction between man and his environment = the interaction of man with his environment

24、The interaction effects make things even worse, and we can't overlook those negative interaction effects.

25、Mental interaction and discourse coherence: On heuristic function of textual interaction theory in reading comprehension teaching;

26、This paper discusses the interaction between MHD intermediate shocks.

27、New historicism stresses the interaction between both texts and history.

28、In natural world there is no object without interaction.

29、They key to interaction, then, becomes forcing those interrupts.

30、Users aren’t interaction designers, and they cannot be expected to visualize the larger effects of interaction paradigm shifts.