1、actual-format parameter correspondence

2、actual angle of attack

3、actual agricultural taxable output

4、actual quantity issued

5、Example.shp - Stores actual shape geometry.

6、associated dummy and actual argument

7、Is this poetic, or actual?

8、Next comes the actual query.

9、actual man-days at work

10、The template JSP Performs the actual rendering.

11、actual fighting between the warring parties.

12、It's not just the actual writing.

13、What is the actual quantity stated?

14、That is my actual, deplorable state.

15、A new world opened up for me—the world of actual translation. And actual translators.

16、Machining Tolerance (m) is the permissible variation in actual space width or actual tooth thickness.

17、The actual costs of an OER project vary considerably.

18、This list concentrates on the actual development of GTK + applications.

19、The body usually contains the specification of the actual message.

20、Numbers have been changed from the actual company artifact.

21、The thing is, there is no actual new zodiac.

22、In this situation, it is the actual third party that needs to control the actual value of the binding information.

23、The actual cost of the grant can not exceed 20% of the actual cost of the project.

24、Drag to add a text box containing task name, scheduled start, scheduled finish, actual start and actual finish.

25、The cost will have been calculated by multiplying an estimated time for the execution of the work by the standard wage rate. And the actual labour cost of that project is the actual hours multiplied by the actual wage rate.

26、In the mine actual operation, the actual load of the steel tope strands in the steel rope would be uncertain, but the actual working load would be critical to the safety of the work.

27、that they should prevent air intrusions by military aircraft across the line of actual control and dangerous military activities in the areas along the line of actual control;

28、{The actual work value is invalid.}Enter an actual work value that is less than the total work on the summary task.