1、I prefer English but you prefer Chinese.

2、I prefer learning English.

3、I prefer playing basketball.

4、I prefer electronic music.

5、I'd prefer swordfish steak.

6、I prefer the gymnastics.

7、Why do women prefer stories and men prefer visuals?

8、I prefer western food. What do you prefer?

9、I prefer tea. Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?

10、So you prefer living abroad?

11、I prefer bowling to baseball.

12、I prefer farce to tragedy.

13、I prefer reading non-fiction.

14、Which method does Jack prefer?

15、I prefer John, I prefer Petr Cech, I prefer Robben and Joe Cole, "Mourinho told Sky Sports".

16、You prefer to park on the sidewalk.

17、Hikers who prefer clothes are not happy.

18、A: Yes, I prefer gymnastics to athletics.

19、Boys prefer cars, trucks, balls and guns.

20、I will prefer if he comings ITe.

21、Females prefer easy navigation and accessibility, while males prefer faster download speeds and easy navigation.

22、Some women prefer to work with a midwife others prefer their ob-gyn.

23、Don' t worry! I prefer to take a walk there.

24、Great white sharks clearly prefer fish to humans.

25、Some users, however, might prefer waiting for the retrieval.

26、Customers prefer buying superior quality products at a reasonable price.

27、Some physicists might prefer to move onto other theories.

28、I just prefer that. I never had that kind of structural mind, so I prefer leaving things somewhat cryptic.

29、Some people prefer to own cars; others prefer to mainly use public transportation. Which do you agree with? Explain why.

30、Just like highly sensitive people tend to prefer solo workouts, they may also prefer solo work environments.