31、The code USES the SCA service manager to locate the business object Factory, which is used to create business objects from XML schemas.

32、The more actively you pursue the knowledge and skills to extricate yourself from a mess, the more new sources you'll locate.

33、It requires two indices to locate an element: a column index and a row index, both of which are zero-based like everything else in LabVIEW.

34、Detect and measure impedance Mismatches Robert demystifies the topic of time domain reflectometry, which enables you to detect, measure, and locate any impedance mismatch in a transmission line.

35、Then, the challenge will be to research, locate, and deploy solutions that provide the ease-of-use the employees want, but also the security measures I.T. needs.

36、In order to guarantee the authenticity and visibility of the works, we should first locate the keynote of the pictures to show the audience the perfect works and give them deep impression and strong artistic appeal.


38、Through the linear feature enhancement and Randon transform to locate the runway line, then using model matching to find the exactly position of the runway end for registration of the airfield.

39、In the first page of the wizard, either enter the full path or locate the solution (.sln) file that corresponds to the .NET 2005 solution that you want to import.

40、Methods MEG was used to locate the epilepsy focus and the functional cortex in 216 patients with intractable epilepsy, and the MEG neuronavigation system was used in the operations in 18 cases.


42、The gold farmland silk factory of precursor Hangzhou of the gold farmland silk limited company of Hangzhou, establish in1983, locate the remaining杭 District of the silk home town Hangzhou, is the production business enterprise that a profession produces the silk to face to anticipate.

43、Based on the heated discussion of "cultural heritage" in the recent years, this paper tries to make an archaeological investigation of the term, to locate its western premise and to trace its eastern varieties by peeling off its multi-layers of meaning.

44、Living is not only a reason for survival, but also a restraint of the future. To live a good life, we must cultivate our own way of thinking, locate the spiral details of our mind, rotate our speech, arrange our life, and judge our thinking.

45、Ultimately, the use of folders or directories as a primary retrieval mechanism requires that users know where an item has been stored in order to locate it. This is unfortunate, since digital systems are capable of providing us with significantly better methods of finding information than those physically possible using mechanic