1、Last, the researchers conclude.

2、Negotiation finally conclude satisfactory.

3、We now conclude the ceremony.

4、What then do I conclude?

5、What can you conclude from these observations?

6、An abortive attempt to conclude the negotiations.

7、And what does someone start to conclude?

8、We conclude that it is quasi-concave.

9、You conclude not itch to conclude to exertion veil a spirit that screams' laptop bag '.

10、We will conclude our concert with the National Anthem.

11、As liquidity returns, investors conclude most Banks are solvent.

12、We will conclude the business ( transaction ) on a cash basis .

13、I hope we can conclude the transaction at this price.

14、Disappointed, we may conclude that love has not lasted.

15、From the evidence, we cannot but conclude that he is guilty of murder / In view of the evidence, we must conclude that he committed murder

16、The content of building ecology garden city conclude building and improving greenbelt system of city.

17、Deliveries are expected to begin in 2010 and conclude in 2011.

18、We conclude that excision followed by radiotherapy is an effective treatment for keloids.

19、The meeting will probably conclude without any solution of this problem.

20、It was probably this discovery that led him to conclude that the universe is heliocentric.

21、Your reader will conclude that you might be discussing three separate actors, with different security profiles and authorizations!

22、To be clear, you don't need to actually conclude your project at the new moon (full moons conclude things, new moons start things). This means it may take you several weeks or months to win your job.

23、I'd like to conclude by inviting people to visit and contribute to the soapatterns.org site that was recently launched.

24、The researchers conclude that electronic communication was the only adolescent activity that increased at the same time psychological wellbeing declined.

25、Method:we conclude and summary the studies of apoptosis in oral lichen planus in internal and overseas at present.

26、Let me just conclude by saying that GTD is no magic wand that will make your goals come true.

27、Let's conclude by looking at the basic features that a SyncML server is required to implement to provide useful data synchronization functionality.

28、Our continuing failure to deal with the environmental declines that are undermining the world food economy forces me to conclude that such a collapse is possible.

29、In particular, astronomers are anxious to see the extra data that the HARPS group used to conclude Gliese 581g is a mirage.

30、Animal experiments by psychologists at the University of Pennsylvania had shown that after repeated failures, most animals conclude that a situation is hopeless and beyond their control.