1、teaching auxiliary

2、teaching machine

3、Shuizhai Township Hebei Zhao Community is the first batch of new rural community construction pilot communities determined by county and township.

4、Interactive teaching model in English teaching

5、Problem- centered teaching approach in pharmacology teaching;

6、Interfaces between bilingual teaching and EFL teaching

7、ruling, respecting, teaching, giving

8、be tireless in teaching

9、teaching and playback robot

10、procedure of teaching

11、Who is teaching you?

12、Application of situational teaching model in life nursing teaching

13、Form the new teaching mode to improve the teaching quality;

14、A new teaching mode, hierarchy teaching mode, is being probed.

15、Teaching new language of vision--Discussion on sketch design teaching;

16、Research on SDSR teaching organizational form in health management teaching;

17、psychology of foreign language teaching

18、Jane is competent for teaching.

19、Net-based collaborative teaching models;

20、Can also auxiliary multimedia teaching.

21、a school teaching veterinary medicine.

22、Appliance of multimedia teaching is the reforms of teaching ideas, teaching forms and means.

23、Teaching others teaches yourself.-to learn while teaching, learning from teaching

24、Analysis on Urgency and Studying teaching of Phonetics Teaching in College English Teaching;

25、On the organic integration of multimedia teaching and conventional teaching in foreign laoguage teaching;

26、How to use "questionary teaching methods" and "conditional teaching methods" to organize the teaching process;

27、It has an important characteristic-practicality, so the teaching methods must be overall improved in teaching ideas, teaching contents, teaching models and teaching assess and appraisal.

28、In the teaching of insurance law, teachers should construct teaching content rationally, adopt interactive teaching methods, such as case teaching method, simulation teaching method, etc.

29、Remarkable success has been achieved in college English teaching reform and research on teaching objective, teaching content, teaching model, teaching approaches, etc.

30、Method: Analyzing and comparing the advantage and disadvantage of traditional teaching model, multimedia teaching and network teaching.