1、Wherever the army goes

2、Salvation army blatant imitation.

3、Strict army discipline

4、Drafted into the army.

5、army ship maintenance support

6、If there were army officers, she played army music.

7、The Chinese People's Liberation Army is an invincible heroic army.

8、It was not field army but defensive army.

9、The army seized the fort.

10、He consequently withdrew the army.

11、They were old army comrades.

12、a powerful army; crack troops

13、unity between army and people

14、He deceived the Japanese army, deceived the national army, and coaxed the Communist army.

15、The defeated army passed under the yoke.

16、The conquering army ravaged the whole country.

17、Food and fodder provided for an army.

18、The army pulled back after the battle.

19、The army deployed to the right.

20、The army of our empire is both an all-round army and a permanent one.

21、The general of the army is so resourceful that his army often win the battle.

22、It is slower to starve the third army than to destroy the Third Army in military.

23、a completely defeated army; a routed army and a beaten general

24、For Israel and the Philistines had put the battle in array, army against army.

25、A week later, his brother's army was wiped out by the Red Army and he was arrested by the Red Army.

26、The army songs of the Red army were an important part of the military culture of the Chinese Workers-Peasants Red army founded in the 1920s.

27、Under the desperate attack of Chu army, the Qin army collapsed rapidly and Wang was captured. Zhang Han was forced to retreat from the army.

28、Army-Industrial Complex: Focuses on the army side of the military. This gives three army, one industrial, and one random research opportunity.

29、A polyglot army, too, because of all the different nationalities.

30、The army has seized control of the country.