1、Guangdong: "Being your neighbor."

2、a good [bad] neighbor

3、Sub Grp - identifies neighbor priority.

4、My neighbor is a pervert.

5、But who is my neighbor?

6、My neighbor is a doctor.

7、So, help your neighbor shovel his walkway.

8、He got into conversation with his neighbor.

9、The neighbor management module optimizes peer's discovery.

10、The neighbor was guilty of murder.

11、He flung out angrily at his neighbor.

12、Antenna Faces - indicates which physical antenna face(s) of a neighbor cell site are neighbor faces.

13、Fort Worth is a neighbor of Dallas; what is the closest neighbor to the Earth?

14、I went to our next-door neighbor, Mr. Smith.

15、Is a nearby neighbor better than a faraway cousin?

16、"What was the name of the Instructor?" asked the neighbor.

17、uphold (pursue) the good-neighbor (good-neighborly) policy

18、A neighbor, Julie Brown, saw it all happen.

19、An old saying goes that a near neighbor is better than a distant cousin. Having a good neighbor is lucky.

20、"Love your neighbor as yourself," Jesus said, and as a beginner nun, I tried earnestly to love my neighbor.

21、The saying in the Bible "Love thy neighbor" was probably a poor translation of what must have originally been, "respect thy neighbor".

22、While I'm pokin' around, a neighbor comes over and asks what I'm doin'. So 1 tell him. Neighbor says he died about ten days ago.

23、My neighbor thinks a dog has been shitting on his yard.

24、As always, he felt disloyal at deserting his neighbor, the Reeves Building Barber Shop.

25、When Helene returned, a short time later, the neighbor called to her: "I'd seen your Renaud."

26、She is now a different Miss Nancy from what she was when she was my neighbor.

27、In those lazy learning algorithms most extensively used is nearest neighbor classification (NN) algorithm.

28、In this square, you can see that if a cell is white, its left neighbor black, and its right neighbor white, then that cell will be black in the next step.

29、But what must be kept in mind is that Sade himself refuses to be my neighbor, not so that I can refuse to be his neighbor in turn but so as to recognize the meaning of his refusal here.

30、"Love your neighbor as yourself," Jesus said, and as a beginner nun I tried earnestly to love my neighbor - the children I taught, their parents, my fellow teachers, my fellow nuns.