1、Many claim exploits without the slightest claim.

2、claim kindred with...

3、a mining claim [concession]

4、false claim of support

5、notice of claim clause

6、marine claim department

7、Baggage claim area, please have claim checks ready

8、Pakistan has rejected the claim.

9、The judge overruled his claim.

10、The judge disallow his claim.

11、Dead men don't claim vengeance.

12、They denied the claim protestingly.

13、So I claim you accept my claim about the truth values and you accept my claim about validity.

14、Barclay Card is authorised to accept claim, request additional claim information, make decision on claim payment or repudiation.

15、Two big battles undermined this claim.

16、Both claim to be the innocent Texan.

17、renounce a legal claim or title to.

18、This claim is - of course - preposterous.

19、I realize that seems a preposterous claim.

20、Project claim and claim processing during construction of Xiaolangdi Water Control Project on Yellow River;

21、A claim filed in opposition to another claim, especially in a legal action.

22、A subordinate claim may only quote the preceding claim or claims.

23、"Maritime Claim" means a claim arising out of one or more of thefollowing:

24、The claim then moves onto the claims manager who remains responsible for the claim until a payment is received or the claim needs to be litigated.

25、Writing a Claim: Write a claim for a patent on a basic chair. Try to make the claim cover many possibilities.

26、It mainly includes the claim for the removal of obstacles, the claim for the cessation of obstacles and the claim for the damages to bodily injury.

27、This is the second reply to the meritocratic claim.

28、About Casey Martin and his claim for a golf cart.

29、There's not a scrap of evidence to support his claim.

30、They lodged a compensation claim against the factory.