1、collector's item

2、Test item Bank; item pool

3、To set down item by item;list.

4、item difficulty index

5、off-balance-sheet item

6、item received in advance

7、decreasing failure rate item

8、coded arithmetic data item

9、Replace the mobile device item with the desktop computer item.

10、Replace item on device?1?Replace item on server?2

11、inspection result of main item

12、He pricked down each item.

13、Avoid the line-item audit.

14、computer program configuration item identification

15、Added new Fibrous Leaf item!

16、Define the XPath in the business item.

17、Listing 3. Serialize the line item.

18、The editor killed the local item.

19、Pls. separate price for each item

20、If an item changes on both computers:

21、The preview pane cannot display the current item or no item is selected.

22、The following item(s) depend upon the currently selected Package Item(s):

23、But the topmost item will not always be the first item in the list.

24、Leave the item unresolved. (Click "Resolve items..." to choose which item to keep.)

25、List - news item is used to display the details of the individual news item.

26、For each item type there is a separate item handle class used to represent references to items of that type; item handles consist of item type and item id.

27、Sign out the item in the required log book upon retrieving the item and ask the department to sign for receiving the item.

28、Choose an item to add to the chart. For more information on a particular item, select that item and then click 'Explain'.

29、The item for this attachment is already open. First close the open item or switch to the open item and open the attachment there.

30、Item of the balance sheet should be grouped according to the categories of assets, liabilities and owners' equity, and shal be shown item by item.