1、helispot manager

2、syndicate manager

3、Resumes for proposed general manager, sales manager and service manager.

4、Be the manager of your manager.

5、Built in subscriber manager and performance manager.

6、Desktop Manager - Desktop manager manages wallpaper/events.

7、My production manager and our IT manager.

8、ror log manager (ELM)

9、Testing deployment manager failover.

10、Cluster queue manager.

11、Dynamic UI manager.

12、Our manager is resigning.

13、He has been a meticulous manager, a manager par excellence.

14、Pattern contains more than one deployment manager or job manager.

15、He is a very careful manager, an outstanding manager.

16、User Donald is a manager.

17、Backup the deployment manager configuration.

18、Create a queue manager proxy.

19、A new accessibility manager role.

20、Adding an accessibility manager role.

21、Target audience:Human resource manager, Employer relations supervisor, General manager, Depatment manager or the top and middle.

22、Qualification certificates of general manager, vice general manager, and assistant manager;

23、Choosing the device manager depends on the operating system where Resource manager sits or products that integrate with Resource manager.

24、You will be interviewing with the human resource manager, the finance manager, the sales manager, and the CEO.

25、He is the manager of the warehouse.

26、The present manager is my former schoolmate.

27、This completes the connection manager SLA modification.

28、Hands-On: Sample Job Description For manager.

29、Prepare the resource manager for XA communication.

30、Table 1 further clarifies the capabilities provided by the job manager versus the deployment manager.