1、Ten days, ten days, ten days, ten days.

2、He has ten fingers and ten toes.

3、The ants go marching ten by ten.

4、Ten times ten equals one hundred.

5、Yeah, ten Olympic badges.

6、a ten percent, increase

7、You're ten now, eh?

8、She's ten years old.

9、It's ten years old.

10、Finally, her words ten member bought ten branches carnation.

11、It is very long, spanning ten nights in ten episodes.

12、A polygon with ten angles and ten sides.

13、I give it ten out of ten for originality.

14、Nine, ten, nine, ten, Let's say it again.

15、He resigned ten years later.

16、Please turn to page ten.

17、We're leaving round about ten.

18、Seven from ten leaves three.

19、He is ten years old.

20、Ten years of trees, ten years of wind, ten years of rain, 100,000 buildings.

21、Decade cold window ten years, ten years sleep ten years dream.

22、Every day the sky rose ten feet higher, the earth became ten feet thicker, and Pangu grew ten feet taller.

23、See also Matthew 25:1 (ten virgins); Luke 17:17 (ten lepers); Luke 15:8 (healing, ten silver COINS).

24、The kidnapper demanded ten thousand dollars.

25、The motley company had increased to ten.

26、Ninety plus ten is one hundred.

27、the numBers one to ten, inclusive.

28、Five twenties ind ten singles, p! Errse.

29、So I will bilk you for ten ages, ten ages are not ok?

30、Chen Shi is forever a clever person, ten thousand ten thousand not ability small Qu.