1、Some involve individuals, some involve groups.

2、These involve vector quantities.

3、Clouds involve the mountaintop.

4、Most processes involve calculation.

5、Somemarkets involve a physical marketplace.

6、Should students involve in rulemaking?

7、Clouds involve the mountain top.

8、Literary phenomena involve sociological factors.

9、Treatment for addictions involve three primary goals.

10、Avoid topologies that involve cross-cell bridging.

11、One problem is what did love involve.

12、The reassessment does not just involve China.

13、Virtually all real assets involve some risk.

14、Some involve psychological help, some use hypnosis and others involve the use of medications.

15、Authoring form content can involve any number of tools.

16、Yes, but they don't involve pills, potions, or surgery.

17、Mass whale strandings involve four or more animals.

18、Will a transaction involve one DAO or multiple DAOs?

19、But these involve similar jurisdictions and are purely commercial transactions.

20、The virtual work of the reader does not involve surprise, does not involve the violation of expectations.

21、Outdoor games involve more and faster movements. Some active people like them. Indoor games are quiet and involve less movements.

22、Some 98% of foreign-exchange trades involve the dollar, euro or yen on at least one side of the transaction;85% of the total involve the dollar.

23、They believe the performance could involve the use of magnets and therefore harm the fish.

24、However, in many times, ISP will involve in the case of copyright infringement consciously or unconsciously.

25、Frontal movements involve lateral flexion and bending on both sides of the body.

26、In many cases, these also involve collaboration with members from the development organization.

27、There are other types of CML that do not involve the BCR-ABL gene.

28、Business decision makers are also important to involve in Design Refinement discussions, because the trade-offs between different solutions may involve making decisions about the development budget and timeline.

29、The trick doesn't involve lying, but rather digging deep to find relevant experience you didn't really know you had.

30、Suits for bodily injury will generally involve claims arising from the exposure to the noxious gasses emitted by the drywall.