1、Buying less, means spending less.

2、We need to buy less, read less and travel less.

3、Expect less and you'll get less and less over time.

4、Consumers are spending less, borrowing less and driving less.

5、Not surprisingly they're less sinuated, less frustrated and less angry.

6、And you try less and less things.

7、They'll get less meaningful, less targeted ads.

8、Strings are less efficient but less ambiguous.

9、Customers are purchasing less.

10、I'll watch less TV.

11、Designating angles less than90=.

12、Eat less greasy food.

13、It's much less secure.

14、Why not "less"? Why isn't "dream" less than the truth?

15、She found the job less and less attractive.

16、Overall, Europeans are less entrepreneurial and less mobile than Americans.

17、With less manual work, less time needed for each task.

18、The world, more noise, less tranquility, more fantasy, less frankness.

19、I settle for no less.

20、Bestow less time to daydreaming.

21、Other interventions are less admirable.

22、Suppliers are becoming less accommodating.

23、Tom's astonishment was bound-less!


25、less quickly copper, less quickly silver, less quickly gold, and, after gold, diamonds were made.

26、Then the cycle continues, less rain, drier soil, less vegetation, fewer clouds, less rain etc.

27、Work less, earn less, accumulate less and 'consume' more family time, holidays and other enjoyable activities.

28、Less resentment, more friendship, less temper, more fun, less fun, more self-discipline, less delusion, more hope, less mental emptiness, more mental enrichment.

29、Because of telephone, letterhead less, because of fashion, less cloth, because of air conditioning, less sweat, because of entertainment, less family, because the banquet, less appetite, because of competition, less leisure.

30、The less things outside one's body, the greater the mental space; the less material, the less cumbersome.