1、successive carry

2、Carry on, carry straight--yes?

3、carry on commerce with

4、separately instructed carry

5、carry detecting circuit

6、carry-over expenditure

7、carry (out) purpose

8、English people often carry umbrellas.

9、Different languages carry different cultures.

10、May I carry this satchel?

11、Flexible architectures carry several benefits.

12、There are trains to carry people, trains to carry animals, and trains to carry things.

13、They carry the food on a skateboard.

14、He never wants anyone to carry anything.

15、Randomized controlled trials carry more weight.

16、Most reptiles carry salmonella bacteria, for example.

17、Wasn't he funny to carry a lantern?

18、I cannot carry it for you, but I can carry you.

19、I have two carry-on luggage and one non carry-on luggage.

20、If he does not carry the flag, then no one will carry the flag.

21、Sometimes, I carry a clipboard. Sometimes, I dress like a lawn guy and carry a rake.

22、Its passenger vehicles will carry Nissan brand, whereas commercial vehicles mainly carry the Dongfeng brand.

23、You must carry your camping gear; carry the suitcases to the car; This train is carrying nuclear waste; These pipes carry waste water into the river.

24、We decided to carry on with this farce.

25、How do you manage to carry such a heavy load?

26、Another portion of the LUT generates carry-out bits.

27、The long, tubular membranes of nerve cells carry electrical impulses.

28、Life will be way easier if you carry a planner.

29、"The T1 lines carry about 1.5 megabits of data per second, while the related T3 lines carry over 40."