1、He who excuses himself exposes himself.

2、He that praiseth himself spattereth himself

3、He that praises himself spattered himself. -- Aesop

4、He introduced himself.

5、He proclaimed himself emperor.

6、He drank himself insensible.

7、He roared himself hoarse.

8、He cheered himself hoarse.

9、That confident fellow always keeps himself to himself.

10、It was a question of degrading himself, mutilating himself,

11、He was angry with himself.

12、The Vicar felt himself cornered.

13、He gets above himself sometimes.

14、He never denies himself anything.

15、He amused himself with sketching.

16、He started thinking about himself and living for himself, and he wanted to exalt himself.

17、He proved himself a quick-witted negotiator.

18、Finding himself, and a brilliant idea.

19、He threw himself with vehemence into opposition.

20、He had to live by himself.

21、The divination inquirer is himself, and the divination material is himself.

22、He had always chosen his agents himself, prided himself on it.

23、everyone resettled himself, rose on tip-toe, placed himself in the most favourable position obtainable.

24、Tom was snuffling, now, himself—and more in pity of himself than anybody else.

25、When people are annoyed, the ordinary person's mentality only sees who provoking himself, who makes himself angry, and then complaining, annoying every day, disturbing himself.

26、Who is good to himself, maybe everyone, maybe no one, who is good to himself, maybe time, maybe a story, who is good to himself, is wine!

27、Learning to look at oneself is to put oneself on the spectator's point of view, often focus on himself, correct himself and reflect on himself.

28、 He likes to watch farces at weekends to relax himself.